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For many men, but also for a large number of women, it is simply the greatest thing during sex when the body juices can flow unhindered. And what is already described as an extremely hot experience during vaginal sex is even more so during anal sex. Of course, anal nature is a form of play that requires mutual trust and, above all, health. But if you pay attention to a few things, the existing health risk can definitely be reduced. Then you can actually squirt your sperm deep into the woman's back door. This can be a real treat for both of you.
Does anal nature require hygiene? There is no clear yes or no answer to this question. In most cases, however, optimal hygiene is a basic prerequisite for
anal sex: Few people really want to get dirty during butt fucking, especially since it would then be accompanied by the corresponding odors and a higher health risk. Therefore, a thorough shower before anal nature is just as important as rinsing the back door. Special syringes are available in sex stores or pharmacies, which are a kind of rubber ball with a tapered cannula (also made of rubber). This ball is filled with warm water and, if necessary, a mild washing lotion and then injected into the rosette. When relieving yourself on the toilet afterwards, any remaining fecal matter is also removed. This is also important for the so-called tongue anal (also known as Algiers French or rimming), unless the active part is into special flavors. The number of people who prefer the dirty version of anal nature is significantly lower. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned here, as hygiene is completely different here. It is true that both partners must be completely healthy for this version of anal nature. However, contact with faeces (which in this context is referred to as caviar) is expressly desired here and means a special thrill for those involved.
Anal Natur: Often completely normal for long-term couples In long-term relationships, contraception usually only means protection against unwanted pregnancies, while the fear of any diseases plays a subordinate role at best. That's why anal nature is usually just as popular as
vaginal sex without a condom or classic natural sex.
Anal nature as a commercial offer Every man should know that anal nature is one of the very special offers of commercial ladies. After all, they are both exposing themselves to an increased health risk. It is therefore only understandable that the ladies do not offer unprotected ass fucking to every man, but in some cases refuse it. This can be the case, for example, if a customer seems unclean or not really healthy. But sometimes it is also the supposedly fit beauties who are denied anal nature - because the ladies know that they have quite a few sex partners on average, which can further increase the risk to their own health.