Profile of Cintia aus Wien


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My name is Cintia 18 years old, healthy, clean, always happy and always fresh.

I love nice time, nice dates, I'm not in a hurry and I don't look at the clock or my cell phone every minute!!!

When we meet, you will be the one I care about. I love happy moments and I like older men!!!

The best way is to write me or call me via WhatsApp!!! If I don't answer, please write me a message so I can get back to you!!! Bussi Cintia. Mon – Sun 10 am to midnight !!!

Let's have fun. You will not regret it

With 2 girls half hour 140 € and With 2 girls 1 hour 200 € !!!

Ramperstorffer gasse 28.

1050 Vienna.

Tel: 0681 / 818 36 933.

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